Rankings and Recognitions

We like to recognize all the things that make Greeley a thriving community: student athletic and academic achievements; positive partnerships between businesses and schools; national rankings; and local, state and national awards earned by our non-profit, civic, business and government workers.

These recognitions aren't a pat on the back from locals to locals; rather, they're awards and kudos given from outside the community to those in Greeley who deserve it.

At each City Council Meeting, we recognize the people, organizations, and businesses that make Greeley great. Visit GTV8 to view videos of the presentations.

What’s Great About Greeley: August 2020

With these announcements, we are appreciating the good work of our residents, showing support for their efforts, and encouraging everyone to share the word that Greeley is Great.


Greeley Ranked #35 Smart Asset ‘50 Top Rising Housing Markets’
Smart Asset has ranked Greeley #35 on its list of fifty top rising housing markets in the United States based on data from 2014 through 2018. The ratings are based on housing demand, five-year change in median home value and five-year change in median household income. Greeley experienced a more than five percent increase in housing units, more than a sixteen percent rise in median incomes, and more than a thirty-one percent rise in median home values.  Councilmember Hall

Councilmember Dale Hall Elected CML Secretary-Treasurer
Congratulations to Mayor Pro Tem Dale Hall for being elected by the Colorado Municipal League executive board to serve as secretary-treasurer for 2020-2021. CML is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization established in 1923 and represents the interests of 270 cities and towns.

Better Buildings Challenge National Award Island Grove Village Apartments

Island Grove Village Apartments in Greeley has been recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for achieving its energy-savings goal as a partner in the nationwide Better Buildings Challenge. The Better Building Challenge is a voluntary leadership initiative that asks multifamily property owners and managers to make a commitment to improving the energy efficiency of their property by 20 percent over 10 years.  Island Grove Village reached their goal in a mere 6 years and is one of only nine to achieve the national award.

AvensVillageAven’s Village Favorite Themed Playground in Colorado
Greeley’s all-inclusive playground, Aven’s Village, has been featured on Slides & Sunshine’s list of the Top 10 favorite themed playgrounds in Colorado. The article mentioned the wheelchair-accessible ramps, sensory play features, the nearby splash park, and the “Old West” theme throughout.

University of Northern Colorado Scholar-Athletes of the Year
Despite COVID-19 impacting our schools, 119 Greeley-Evans School District 6 students earned the prestigious AP Scholars award for their outstanding performance on the 2020 Advanced Placements tests.  In addition, four students earned the highest distinction of National AP Scholar. Students who score well on AP exams are eligible to receive college credit, advanced placement in college, or both at more than 3,200 colleges and universities across the United States. 

What's Great About Greeley (1)

Contact Us

City Manager's Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
