Requests are received from citizens to inspect trees or shrubs on their property. A staff arborist then visits the site and advice is given concerning potential insect, disease, structural and/or cultural problems. Recommendations are then made toward corrective actions that should be taken to alleviate or prevent particular problems.
Every effort is made to provide advice or information by phone, mail or email at no charge. On-site consultations will be arranged around other duties, typically at no charge. Consultations may be performed by any of the qualified full-time staff, keeping in mind that it is very difficult for us to schedule appointments.
To learn more about the following problems, visit the Colorado State University Cooperative Extension Site.
Common Diseases In Greeley
Fireblight - Crabapples, Hawthorns, Mountain Ash, Apples, Pears
Cytospora Canker - Aspen, Cottonwood, Poplars, Apple, Cherry, Honeylocust, Peach, Plums, Birch, Willow, Siberian Elm, Spruce, Silver Maple, Mountain Ash
Thyronectria Canker - Honeylocust
Dutch Elm Disease - American and English Elms
Chlorosis - Aspen, Silver Maple, Austrian Pine, Crabapple, Red Oak, Pin Oak
Bacterial Wetwood - Wide range of trees.
Pine Wilt - Scots Pine
Thousand Cankers Disease - Walnuts