Building Permit Plan Submittal

Plan Review Fee

The plan review fee is 55% of the building permit fee, which is based on the valuation of the building permit. The valuation is determined by the building type, and occupancy, using the most recent Building Valuation Data Table. The permit fee can be calculated using the online Fee Calculator.

After the submittal is received in Building Inspection, it will be reviewed for completeness and will not progress until all the required information is received. When the submittal has been verified as complete, the plan review fee will then be calculated and emailed to the applicant. Plan review fees must be paid in full before the submittal will be considered to be accepted and placed in the plan review queue.

Review Process

Following the payment of the plan review fee, reviews will be placed in the plan review queue the next business day. Once the plan review has been started, additional information may be required. If additional information is required, the review will be considered inactive, and the time spent on review will be suspended. Typical plan review periods are 10 business days for remodels, re-writes and footing/foundation permits, and 20 business days for new construction.


We use a web portal called eTRAKiT for permit applications.

Note: Beginning March 14, 2022, a 2.8% convenience fee will be charged for all credit card transactions. There is no convenience fee for payment by eCheck.


Resubmittals for active plan reviews must be done electronically, in the same format as the original electronica submittal. After the initial and subsequent plan reviews, the comments and/or redlines will be emailed back to the applicants. Unless instructed otherwise, the resubmittals addressing and correcting the redlines/comments must contain the entire original submittal. If there are any questions on the comments/redlines, contact the plan reviewer assigned to the application


For assistance with uploading documents, please contact Building Inspection at 970-350-9830

Contact Us!

Building Inspection

1100 10th Street, 3rd floor
Greeley, CO 80631

Inspection Requests

970-350-9830 tel
970-350-9844 fax

Hours of Operation 8:00AM - 5:00PM

If you wish to speak with a Building Inspector or Plans Examiner you are encouraged to call between 7:00AM – 9:00AM for the best opportunity.

Appointments, or calling ahead to ensure that qualified staff will be on hand in the office, are strongly recommended.