City Council

Photo of City Council members, November 2023


The City of Greeley operates with a Council-Manager form of government with the Council acting as the legislative body for the city, adopting laws and policies and setting priorities to guide the city.

Council members are residents of Greeley who care deeply about their city and choose to serve their community as an elected official to maintain and improve Greeley's quality of life. Council members, with the exception of the Mayor, do not have offices at City Hall. There are a total of seven elected council members, including the Mayor.

The Council meets annually to evaluate the state of the City. Based on data, discussions with staff and public input, the Council sets priorities which guide Greeley City government for the upcoming year.

In 2022, the council engaged in a strategic visioning session to develop a vision and direction for Greeley—a city that knows where it came from and where it is going. With a clear picture of who we are and pride in our roots, the Greeley City Council 2037 vision honors the strength, bountiful resources, diversity and entrepreneurial and creative spirit that is Greeley now and in the future.

In addition to their annual meeting, the Council also meets regularly to conduct City business.

2025 Greeley State of the City graphic


All City Council Meetings take place via a hybrid model offering in-person and virtual options.

When: 6 p.m., 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month
Where: In City Council Chambers at City Center South, located at 1001 11th Ave.
Virtual: Live streamed on City Meeting Portal.
Broadcast: Greeley government access channel, Comcast Channel 8, GTV8

Anyone wishing to offer public comment can:

  1. Submit written remarks prior to the meeting at City Hall, 1000 10th St, Greeley, CO, 80631, or via email to;
  2. Attend a meeting at Council Chambers and speak in person; or
  3. Participate in the Zoom webinar and offer live virtual comments.

Work Sessions

All City Council Work Sessions meetings take place via a hybrid model offering in-person and virtual options.

When: 6 p.m., 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month
Where: In City Council Chambers at City Center South, located at 1001 11th Ave.
Virtual: Live streamed on City Meeting Portal.

Public input is not taken during these meetings.

To verify the date, time, and location of the meeting you are interested in, please review the City Council Agendas.

Council Hybrid Meetings

Greeley City Council’s hybrid meeting model means anyone can attend the meeting in person or use one of several virtual options to watch or participate. Greeley City Council is committed to increasing accessibility and transparency and all council meetings will take place via a hybrid model.

This model allows for physical attendance at the meeting and virtual participation through the City’s Zoom webinar platform. Community members can find detailed instructions on how to view and participate in meetings, including Zoom webinar links for virtual attendance, on the first page of each City Council meeting agenda packet.

The city’s meeting portal is the community’s one-stop place for all city meeting agendas, minutes, and archived videos. Access the meeting portal by clicking the “Enter City Meeting Portal” button below. 

Previous meetings can also be viewed on-demand.

Agendas and Minutes

Access meeting calendars, agendas, minutes and video for all meetings of the City Council in the City Meeting Portal.

Enter City Meeting Portal

Video: How To Navigate Greeley's City Meeting Portal

City Council Members

Mayor John Gates


John Gates

Term: 2023-2025

Tommy Butler
Ward I

Tommy Butler

 Term: 2023-2027

Deb Deboutez

Ward II

Deb DeBoutez

 Term: 2021- 2025

Johnny Olson

Ward III

Johnny Olson

Term: 2021-2025

Dale Hall

Ward IV

Dale Hall | Mayor Pro Tem

Term: 2023-2027

Brett Payton

At Large

Brett Payton

Term: 2021-2025

Melissa McDonald

At Large

Melissa McDonald

Term: 2023-2027

Contact Us

City Clerk's Office

City Center North
1100 10th Street 
Greeley, Colorado 80631

Monday - Friday 
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9740 tel 
970-350-9828 fax

The City Council visits community groups and presents information on timely and relevant topics. If you would like to have a Council member speak to your club, organization or business, please contact 970-350-9740 or