Downtown Development Authority (DDA) has a mission to plan and improve the central business of Downtown Greeley. Serving on the DDA Board is an excellent opportunity to hear about new projects and help shape strategic investments in the future of downtown.
The DDA Board and staff are eager to get back to creating fun community gathering spaces through community events in Greeley. "While we were unable to hold Blarney on the Block this year, we are excited for the return of Friday Fest, Oktobrewfest, Trick-or-Treat Street, and more," said Bianca Fisher, executive director of the DDA. "Community involvement is crucial to shaping and creating a dynamic city, so in whatever capacity you are able, try to get involved! Your voice is needed!"
Those who apply for the DDA board must either live, own property, or operate a business within the DDA district boundaries. The area along and between 3rd and 6th Streets to the north, 5th and 8th Avenues to the east, 13th and 17th Streets to the south, and 8th and 12th Avenues to the west constitutes Greeley's DDA district.
Apply online to be an active member of the DDA or other boards and commissions. Greeley's Boards and Commissions program offers 23 different interest groups for residents to engage in and make recommendations for the city. Joining is a great way to influence public policy and programming decisions that can affect the entire city. Check the Boards and Commissions webpage often to see current vacancies, apply online, and view agendas for upcoming meetings open to the public.