City Scoop Extra

Join the Island Grove Park Advisory Board


Island Grove Regional Park
is a multi-use events complex owned by the City of Greeley and Weld County. From major national and regional events like the Greeley Stampede, The Weld County Fair and the Colorado Farm Show to Colorado's largest dog show hosted by the Greeley Kennel Club to private parties and Quinceaneras. Island Grove also is home to Avens Village, Greeley's first all-inclusive playground.

You can apply to join the Island Grove Park Advisory Board to get involved with the facility. This advisory board provides guidance on operations and planning for the complex, as well as opportunities to review policy updates and pricing recommended by city staff.

 It is an exciting time to engage with Island Grove, as the Greeley Stampede is celebrating 100 years. In addition, the board is finalizing the naming and placement of five new picnic shelters within Island Grove Park. The board is also working to reprioritize a project list developed in the 2016 Island Grove Master Plan.  "Joining the board is a great way to be involved in Greeley's and Weld County's largest and oldest park and special event venue," said Tom Welch, long-time manager of Island Grove.

Get Involved with Boards and Commissions

Apply online to become a member of the Island Grove Advisory Board. Greeley's Boards and Commissions program offers 23 different interest groups for residents to engage in and make recommendations for the city. Joining is a great way to influence public policy and programming decisions that can affect the entire city. Check the Boards and Commissions webpage often to see current vacancies apply online.  

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Communication and Engagement Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
