City of Greeley News Updates

Share the Shade Program Accepting Applications for 2022

Release Date:
Sep 30, 2021

For more information, media representatives should contact:
Shiloh Hatcher, forestry manager

Greeley’s Share the Shade Program gives city residents a chance to add up to two trees to their property for $50 each, or for free by volunteering.

Last year, city officials implemented a residential planting program called Share the Shade to promote and increase tree-planting efforts in Greeley neighborhoods. Residents and homeowner associations (HOAs) can now apply to be a part of the program's second year.

Here are a few program specifics:

  • The City of Greeley covers the remaining expenses that include supplies, delivery and professional installation by city staff with the help of volunteers.
  • Applicants who help plant trees in the spring can obtain a full refund of their tree purchase with a minimum of four hours of volunteer time provided to the program. 
  • Planting locations must allow ample space at maturity for desired species, free from conflicts with overhead or underground utility service lines and with adequate distance from structures, traffic signs and existing trees regardless of ownership.
  • Property landscapes must have an active irrigation system or be adequately cared for to provide the best chance of long-term survivability of trees.

Healthy trees improve air quality, enhance community wellness, increase property values, provide shade and protect water resources.

Share the Shade accepts applications in the fall and plants trees the following spring. To participate, apply by Nov. 1, 2021. Applicants can choose from a variety of shade canopy, ornamental, and evergreen trees. City forestry officials selected 17 species of trees for their hardiness in Greeley's soils and climate. After receiving applications, city staff will inspect all potential planting locations to ensure the right tree is planted in the right place.

Residential property owners can apply to purchase up to two trees, per year, at $50 per tree. For the same price, HOAs can buy up to ten trees per year.

In the program’s first year, forestry staff planted 108 trees on 80 residential properties with the help of 14 volunteers. 

For details and the online application, please visit For additional information, contact the City of Greeley Forestry Division at 970-351-5150.

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1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
