City of Greeley News

City of Greeley Elects to Enact Further COVID-19 Precautions in Response to Rising Numbers

In response to rising COVID-19 case numbers in Greeley, city officials chose to enact additional safety precautions for City of Greeley facilities in line with the state’s Level Orange: Safer at Home - High-Risk measures.

For more than two weeks, key markers used by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to assess COVID-19 levels showed concerning growth for Weld County and Greeley. Greeley’s two-week positivity rate grew above the state’s Level Orange threshold.

City officials decided to implement strategies and safety measures for City of Greeley facilities consistent with the state’s Level Orange guidance as part of the overall effort to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, protect the community and reduce the strain on the healthcare system. 

These changes apply only to city facilities, not private businesses or services in Greeley, which are under the authority of Weld County Public Health and its officials.  

“As the COVID-19 numbers grow in Greeley, Weld County, and Colorado, we must protect our community and ensure we continue the many critical functions our city offers,” said City Manager Roy Otto. “The number of COVID cases in our area demand we take action and increase our safety measures. By taking the initiative and these crucial steps now to protect the community and our organization, we can make sure our residents can rely on us to keep life and business moving.”

These changes will not have an immediate effect on how community members access City of Greeley services. Access to city staff, services, and facilities will remain unchanged and largely by appointment— with City Hall, 1000 10th St., open for walk-in bill payment. However, community members may notice a reduced number of available appointments and reservations at facilities due to decreased capacity limits. To find more information about access to City of Greeley services and facilities, go to

Release Date:
Nov 10, 2020
For more information, media representatives should contact:
Public Information Officer James Redmond

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Communication and Engagement Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
