City of Greeley News

Help Name Greeley’s Newest Natural Area

The City of Greeley asks anyone who lives, works, and plays in Greeley to help name the new natural area between Greeley and Windsor along Highway 257. Submit ideas by June 30 using the Speak Up Greeley website at

“Our goal is to provide equitable access to the outdoors for everyone in Greeley,” said Natural Areas and Trails Division Manager Justin Scharton. “We want the whole community to imagine what the space is today and could be tomorrow. Naming the new natural area is a great first step.” 

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board will review naming suggestions at one of its board meetings this Summer. The winning name will be revealed to the public later this year.  

Natural Area 

The 978-acre property will serve as a regional recreation hub with the goal to provide access to outdoor recreation for everyone and protect wildlife habitat. The natural area site includes: 

  • Expansive prairies, bluffs, and arroyos 
  • Views of the Rocky Mountains 
  • Plans for trail use including walking, hiking, bird watching, and mountain biking 
  • Diverse wildlife, including white-tail deer, bald eagles, and coyotes 

Natural Areas and Trails staff plan to open a portion of the property and some trails in the coming months. Further trail construction and amenity installation will be limited until the master plan is completed later this year. 



Release Date:
Jun 28, 2023

Justin Scharton, Natural Areas and Trails Division Manager  


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1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
