City of Greeley News

Southbound 11th Avenue to Close July 22-31 for Water Project

A street map shows the planned closure of 11th Avenue and corresponding detour route.

GREELEY, Colo. —A City of Greeley waterline project requires the closure of 11th Avenue for southbound traffic between 26th Street and Highway 34. The project is scheduled for July 22-31. Crews are connecting a new waterline to the existing water main between the southbound lanes of 11th Avenue at 27th Street.


All southbound traffic on 11th Avenue will be rerouted east at 26th Street to 8th Avenue. Drivers can travel south on 8th Avenue to access Highway 34. Greeley Water will contact residents who live along the affected area of 11th Avenue with details on how to access their property during the closure.


“We understand this section of 11th Avenue is a major artery that connects the University of Northern Colorado campus and Highway 34,” said Rebecca Andrus, deputy director of water and wastewater operations for the City of Greeley. “We planned this construction phase to fall between the end of the Greeley Stampede and the arrival of UNC students for the fall semester. We thank those affected by this project for their patience and understanding.”


Aging Waterline Required Replacement

The new 12-inch waterline replaces the 6-inch main beneath 27th Street and an abandoned backyard waterline along Highway 34. The larger waterline provides a reliable flow of water for firefighting. The old line, built in the 1950s, was inaccessible and had a history of service leaks and main breaks that impacted residents and water operations.


Maintaining City’s Water Infrastructure

Greeley has over 670 miles of waterlines to operate and maintain throughout Greeley. Some lines are up to 70 years old, so regular maintenance or replacement keeps the system running efficiently. This project helps the city continue providing reliable, high-quality water to customers.



Release Date:
Jul 17, 2024

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1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
