Commercial Rebates for Businesses, Institutional, HOAs, Nonprofits, & Places of Worship

Save your business water and money with Greeley’s Water Rebates. In addition to these indoor and outdoor rebates, a variety of rebates are available for food equipment, and specialized equipment.

Types of Commercial Rebates:

Tank Toilet with 0.8 gallons per flush$100 plus $25 if old toilet is recycled
High Efficiency Urinal (must be 0.125 gallons per flush or lower$75
Flush Valve toilets (Tankless, must be 1.28 gallons per flush or lower$150
Irrigation Equipment
Smart Controller50% of Cost up to $300
ET, rain, wind, or soil sensor to upgrade controller50% of Cost
Pressure Reducing Heads (Sprinkler Bodies)50% of Cost
Rotary Nozzles (Must be placed in a pressure reducing head)50% of Cost
Pressure Reducing Valves (Individual zone or whole system)50% of Cost
Drip Zone Conversion Kit50% of Cost
Commercial Kitchen Products
Air Cooled Ice Machine$450
High Efficiency Commercial Dishwasher25% of Cost up to $400
Pre-Rinse Spray NozzlesFree upon Request
Refrigeration Condenser25% of cost, up to $400
Coin operated washing machine$150
Commercial/Industrial washing machine$300
Cooling tower conductivity controller30% of Cost up to $900
Car Wash spray nozzle$1 Each up to 300 per year

Before Applying 

Large-scale projects, with rebates totaling more than $1,000, should be pre-approved to ensure funds are available. Please email to get pre-approved project. Note an irrigation assessment is needed to be eligible for an irrigation type rebate.

We also collaborate with other Northern Colorado water providers to create resources and tools to assist industrial, commercial, and institutional customers with water conservation. Visit Northern Colorado Collaborative Efforts in ICI Water Conservation website for more information. 

Note: Please read the Rules and Eligibility information below before applying. 

Rules & Eligibility 

  • You must be registered on WaterSmart in order to receive rebates.
  • Only Greeley water customers, in good standing (account with a zero balance) may apply, and product(s) must be installed at an address receiving a Greeley water bill.
  • Rebate applications should be submitted within 90 days of purchase and are subject to available funds.
  • Irrigation controllers must be professional grade and purchased through a professional contractor supply house (DBC, LL Johnson, CPS, etc.). Only professional grade controllers will be rebated. Retail grade controllers are not eligible for rebate due to unreliability and performance.
  • Rebates should be filed by business owners or approved personnel. Contractors or others working on a property they do not own cannot apply for a rebate.
  • Applicant is responsible for all aspects of installation and disposal of the old fixture. The City of Greeley is not responsible for the condition of the plumbing on the owner’s side of the meter.
  • The city reserves the right to inspect the installation of any rebated appliance.
  • If a product does not fulfill the minimum standards, a rebate will not be issued.
  • Any rebates over $600 are subject to taxable income.
Commercial Rebate Application

Professional Landscape Certification Rebates

Greeley Water Conservation offers incentives for landscape and irrigation professionals to obtain training for select certifications through these accredited industry associations. These associations offer varying certifications based on your expertise in the industry, and some offer class materials or testing in both English and Spanish. Proctored online testing is available at most university testing sites, like University of Northern Colorado (UNC) and Front Range Community College, and many offer both training and testing online.

Greeley Water Conservation will reimburse 100% cost of class/training registration, class materials, and testing fees at the member level for the qualifying training listed below.


Sustainable Landscape Management (SLM)

This introductory Association of Landscape Contractors in Colorado (ALCC) class is recommended for all existing landscapers as well and those new to the industry. This course is intended to give the tech a holistic view of the entire landscape and how each area can affect other areas. This is a four-hour class covering everything from soils to plants to irrigation. An open-book test follows.

Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL)

The Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) program is a United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) WaterSense labeled professional certification in irrigation system audits and is designed for making auditing accessible to all landscape professionals. QWEL is a program of the Sonoma-Marin Saving Water Partnership and is available through the many organizations that have adopted the program. Trainings and certifications are free or low-cost, and annual renewal is free.

Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditor (CLIA)

This class through Irrigation Association (IA) is recommended for anyone with one year of irrigation-related work experience who may design, install, and maintain irrigation systems to fully understand how proper design, equipment, and installation affect maintenance, landscape quality, and water conservation. CLIAs understand irrigation audit procedures, soil-plant relationships, irrigation scheduling, and equipment/technology.

Landscape Industry Certified Technician (LICT)- Exterior

Landscape professionals must choose the irrigation module to qualify. Available through National Association for Landscape Professionals (NALP) or Association of Landscape Contractors in Colorado (ALCC), this certification is designed for experienced and knowledgeable technicians working in the installation and maintenance of irrigation systems. LICTs understand how to read irrigation plans, basic electrical and pressure components and principles, irrigation installation, wiring, adjusting, troubleshooting, and winterizing. They know how to use and program irrigation equipment efficiently.

Certified Irrigation Technician (CIT)

CIT through Irrigation Association (IA) is recommended for individuals with 6 months or 1,000 hours of irrigation-related field experience. CITs must know the limitations of different piping systems and understand basic hydraulics. They can lay out and install irrigation piping and water delivery components, backflow prevention components as well as mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical irrigation controls, as well as other irrigation system components. CITs troubleshoot and repair irrigation components and systems.

Certified Irrigation Contractor (CIC)

The CIC through Irrigation Association (IA) is recommended for individuals with three years of irrigation-related field experience. CICs are knowledgeable in irrigation design, installation, scheduling, water management and conservation, maintenance and repair, federal laws and codes, and general business management. They can troubleshoot and repair irrigation components and systems. CICs understand good business practices, construction contracts, their legal rights and obligations, and licensing laws and codes in their state.

Certified Irrigation Designer (CID)

The CID through Irrigation Association (IA) is recommended for individuals with three years of irrigation-related experience or education in an irrigation-related field. Certification ensures the professionals are knowledgeable in irrigation equipment, hydraulics, system components, scheduling, precipitation, and application rates, spacing, soil-water-plant relationships, efficiency/uniformity, economics, and pumps. CIDs must be able to evaluate site conditions, develop efficient and cost-effective irrigation designs that meet plants’ watering requirements, prepare comprehensive plans, specifications, and schedules, and ensure the installation matches the design intent.

Watershed Wise Landscaping Professional (WWLP)

This option is recommended for irrigation designers and installation professionals, landscape architects, and landscape construction professionals. Available through Green Gardener Group (G3), this United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) WaterSense recognized certification focuses on building living soil, selecting climate appropriate plants, using rainwater as a resource, and irrigating as efficiently as possible.

Passing exam results or issued certificates are required for all incentives and reimbursement is subject to availability of funds.


How to Participate:

  1. Landscape and irrigation professionals who work on properties in the Greeley water service area qualify for this program. Non-Greeley government employees do not qualify.

  2. Register for trainings and/or testing for qualifying certifications. Either individuals or companies can register individuals and be reimbursed. Only training, testing, and materials fees for new certifications may be reimbursed. Costs for recertification, obtaining Continuing Education Credits (CEU)s, certification renewal, and retesting do not qualify.

  3. Attend registered trainings.

  4. Study for qualifying testing.

  5. Obtain a passing score in the qualifying certification

  6. Submit to the City of Greeley’s Water Conservation Program an incentive reimbursement application, along with required documents within 90 days of certification acquisition.

Professional Certification Rebate Application

Contact Us

Greeley Water and Sewer
1001 11th Avenue, 2nd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm
970-350-9805 fax

(Select an option)
1 Make a payment
2 Utility billing or service questions
3 Water emergency
4 Sewer emergency
5 Water quality
6 Water conservation, new water taps or raw water dedication
7 Lead protection program
8 New water meter

Backflow and Cross-connection Program

Lead Protection Program

Wastewater Treatment and Reclamation Facility

Water Conservation

Water Quality

Water Resources and Supply