Each month, we will dive a little deeper into some numbers about the Greeley or Regional economy or showcase Greeley’s ranking on a state or national list.
Regional Target Industries
In Northern Colorado a group called NoCo REDI (Northern Colorado Regional Economic Development Initiative) recently published the Northern Colorado Regional Cluster Strategy to support economic resilience and interconnectedness. Strategies and actions in the plan are meant to act as a playbook for the thirty five separate communities in the region to select the most relevant elements for them while maintaining an aligned strategic direction across the region.
New Business Attraction
Six industry cluster groups were selected as targets for the future growth of the region; these were Bioscience and Medical Devices, Distribution and E-Commerce, Fabrication and Production Technology Manufacturing, Food Processing and Manufacturing, Information Technology, and Plastics. The City’s economic development team have supported the effort, seeing particular alignment in Greeley for growth in three of those industry clusters; food processing and manufacturing, fabrication and production technology manufacturing, and plastics. This will help guide our overall business attraction strategy.
While less suitable for a cluster-type growth strategy, our local team has identified three fast-growing sectors that will continue to drive the Greeley economy, These are health services, construction, and tech-enabled business and consumer services. In addition, three mature industry sectors continue to underpin the economic health of the community, These are energy, education, and agriculture.