Greeley Rising

History of Greeley Water Published

GreeleyWaterBookCover-minWith funding support from the City’s Achieving Community Excellence initiative, the vision for a book on the history of Greeley Water became a reality when Confluence: The Story of Greeley Water was published earlier this year. This beautifully written book will be useful for educators, students, scholars, water professionals, public officials, judges, lawyers, engineers, and the media. We expect its reach to include local, statewide, national, and international audiences.

Over our 150-year life, Greeley has been transformed from a vast buffalo prairie to a modern city located in one of the top ten agricultural counties in the nation, with a thriving economy. This phenomenal achievement owes much to the development of the Greeley Water system. Confluence tells the story of the system’s infrastructure, science and engineering, water law and policy, water rights and acquisition, utility organization and governance, and includes the many the contributions of Greeley water leaders and professionals.

Copies of the book are available at local bookstores. You may also contact a member of the ACE Board, the EHH Department, or the Greeley Water & Sewer Department.

Economic Health and Housing

1100 10th Street, Suite 402
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9380 tel
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