The City of Greeley Water and Sewer Department awards employees who go consistently go beyond the call of duty. Four staff members were recognized at the 2017 employee appreciation luncheon and award ceremony. This year the awards were changed to reflect the City of Greeley’s core values: applied wisdom, excellence, accountability, stewardship, principled relationships, and integrity. All of these qualities contribute to the overall mission: A City Achieving Community Excellence.
W.D. Farr Award
Streit, Water Instrument Technician
This award is given to one employee who exemplifies and encompasses all of the core values Kevin’s enthusiasm and positive attitude are an asset to the entire department. His knowledge in all areas of instrumentation is very broad, and if further research is necessary, he looks at that as a challenge and goes to great lengths to study and find whatever information is necessary to get the job done right. He is also an excellent mentor to his fellow employees.There is no job too small or too large for Kevin as he attacks the job with equal vigor.
Stewardship Award
Tuff, Water Inventory Coordinator
The Stewardship Award goes to employees that are committed to the efficient and effective use of resources. “We will leave it better than we found it,” is a motto exemplified by the winners of this award. Phyllis keeps the Water Distribution office running smoothly. She ensures the paperwork and employees are efficient. Phyllis is currently reorganizing years and years of a neglected filing system. She is diligent on making the fire hydrant meter rentals and the billing system in order. Phyllis does all of this while answering many phone calls and customer inquiries.
Stewardship Award
Hartley, Water Conservation Specialist
A second Stewardship Award went to Kevin Hartley. Kevin has demonstrated outstanding leadership and tireless efforts in addressing and raising awareness of water conservation in our community. Kevin has taken the initiative to do things within the community that promote environmental stewardship and innovation. Kevin’s strong personal commitment and sustained outreach to customers help protect our precious water using the best available resources, technologies, and practices while saving money and water. Kevin takes time to listen to concerns with patience and empathy, using his voice and expertise to encourage change where warranted.
Relationships Award
Natalie Stevens, Marketing Technician
This award goes to a person who successfully develops, strengthens and honors caring relationships in such a way to challenge ourselves and others to be our best selves. The winner acknowledges that positive results come from the investment of others in our lives. Natalie has developed many partnerships and relationships with both Water & Sewer staff as well as departments throughout the city. She looks at every opportunity and events as a potential partnership that benefits the Water Department and other city departments. She continuously looks for opportunities to involve and inform the public. She is innovative in her techniques and when others constantly revert to what was done done last year, she mixes it up to achieve better results than last year.