Signature Bluffs Ecosystem Improvement Project
Natural Areas & Trails partnered with the Army Corps of Engineers to restore wetland and upland ecosystems at Signature Bluffs Natural Area. Boardwalks and soft-surface trails were also constructed, and interpretive signs installed. The trail sections and boardwalks were completed in early 2020 and are open for the public to enjoy. Native grasses take many years to establish. Restoration work will continue for the next few years to help native grasses thrive here.
Visit Signature Bluffs and look for the many species of wildflowers along the trail!
Find more information on this project below:
Sheep Draw Trail Expansion
In 2019, Greeley added over two miles of paved trail to the Sheep Draw Trail. The trail crosses over Sheep Creek at 71st Ave. (see photo). The extension travels west from McCloskey Natural Area, staying south of 12th St. A spur trail travels south from the Sheep Draw Trail to the Mountain Vista Natural Area trailhead at 20th St. Sheep Draw Trail does not yet connect across 83rd Ave. See Future Projects page for more information about this future connection.
This project was funded by Colorado Department of Transportation and City of Greeley. These trails provide residents in Knaus, Mountain Vista and nearby neighborhoods access to the Sheep Draw Trail. Sheep Draw Trail connects to the regional Poudre River Trail near 59th Ave.
Check out this section of the Sheep Draw Trail and see if you can spot a Western Tiger Salamander near the creek!

Nature Trails in Signature Bluffs and Sheep Draw Natural Areas
Public comments on the 2016 Parks, Trails and Open Lands plan showed that Greeley residents want a greater variety of trail types. Natural Areas and Trails acted on this feedback and added 1.8 miles of unpaved trails in Signature Bluffs Natural Area and 1.1 miles of unpaved trail in Sheep Draw Natural Area. These trails offer visitors a more natural experience away from the crowds on the Poudre River Trail. Both trail additions were completed in 2020. Work included construction of boardwalks and installation of educational signs.
Both projects were funded by a State Trails grant. Volunteers were also essential; Weld County Youth Corps, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado and University of Northern Colorado all pitched in.
Check out these trails and count how many different birds you can spot!

Campo Esperanza Natural Area
A new natural area, Campo Esperanza, was completed in 2021. This natural area sits near the intersection of Balsam Ave. and East 24th St. East Greeley was a nature deficit area, a neighborhood that did not have nearby natural areas. Campo Esperanza is the first natural area in this neighborhood. It offers a close-to-home nature experience for nearby residents.
Campo Esperanza means Hope Field in English. This natural area features nature play structures for kids, sitting areas for adults and about one mile of soft surface trails. Construction wrapped up in 2021, but establishment of native plants will take a few more years. This project was funded by grants from the Colorado Health Foundation and Great Outdoors Colorado with matching funds from City of Greeley.
Visit Campo Esperanza and take a ride down the giant slide (it’s not just for kids)!