Delta Park

Delta Park is a 6-acre neighborhood park in East Greeley that was dedicated to the City of Greeley in 1972. The park is uniquely positioned in the middle of nearby apartments, practically serving as a backyard for residents. The City is partnering with The Trust for Public Land (TPL) and other key partners to re-envision the space and address limited opportunities for recreation.

Project Goals

  • Increase use of Delta Park by the whole community, especially the immigrant and refugee community;
  • Improve understanding and cross-cultural relationships in the community to improve a sense of welcoming and belonging for the whole community;
  • Build a foundation of trust and communication to better engage the entire community around a renovation of the park;
  • Build a community-directed renovation of Delta Park based on community preferences and priorities.

Project Update

Over the past several months the City of Greeley and Trust for Public Land have incorporated feedback from the Delta Park community to create a plan for the future of this space. Construction is well underway and residents can see above ground improvements this spring.

To learn more about this project and to stay updated, visit

Why Delta Park?

Delta Park serves 2,623 residents within a 10-minute walk from home with children comprising nearly half of this population. With the exception of some old basketball courts, the park is primarily a desolate greenbelt that lacks a playground or equipment to entice children to be physically active in the park. The community-led redesign of Delta Park will turn this open space into a vibrant, culturally relevant and inviting space for all ages.

  • The City of Greeley believes that access to quality parks and green spaces is a fundamental requirement for sustaining healthy, equitable and resilient communities.
  • The Trust for Public Lands Parks for People program is committed to ensuring that everyone in America lives within a 10-minute walk of a quality park or near an amazing outdoor experience.

Let’s Connect

In support of the project goals, TPL identified four strategies to engage the community, including:

  • employing the assistance of resident experts;
  • holding community events;
  • supporting culturally relevant programs in the park, and
  • creating opportunities to listen and learn from the community.


Five events were held or attended in 2021 as part of the first phase of outreach. It is estimated that 500-700 residents took part, with the majority stopping to talk with staff. During these events, the City of Greeley and The Trust for Public Land began to ask the question “How do you like to spend time outside with your family?” This question is a simple and direct way to understand the community’s priorities. Children expressed how they like to play outside and adults shared their concerns and desires for Delta Park via an interactive Delta Park Dream Tree activity.

Culturally Relevant Programs

Community events have all been designed to celebrate the diversity of the community and provide recreational and social opportunities to learn and connect with one another. Examples include World Refugee Day where residents were invited to speak about their experiences and share their stories of resilience with the community and the Meet Me in the Park event where Somali tea, foods, and entertainment were enjoyed by all. Additionally, a series of storybooks, in partnership with Unite for Literacy and local artist Armando Silva, will document key milestones during the project. Hard copies of the books will be distributed to the neighborhood and will be available for free online in multiple languages narrated by community members.

Listen and Learn

Weekly Coffee and Tea Talks have begun giving residents another opportunity to express how they view the park, barriers to the use and enjoyment of the park, and understand how the City of Greeley can improve the park in a way that addresses those barriers. Childcare and translation is provided.

Delta Park basketball courts

Contact Us


Clint Anders
City of Greeley Parks Planner

Gloria Galindo
Delta Park Community Coordinator

Key Dates

Apr-Dec 2022: Phase 1 Outreach (Complete)

  • Jun 6, 2021 – World Refugee Day in Delta Park
  • Aug 6, 2021 – Food Truck Festival at IRCNOCO
  • Oct 2, 2021 – Balsam Park Opening
  • Oct 16, 2021 – Delta Park Meet Me in the Park!
  • Nov 12, 2021 – Soccer Without Borders Youth Event at Delta Park

Jan-July 2022: Phase 2 Outreach: Community Vision

  • April-July - Community Survey
  • June 4 - Meet Me in the Park! Event in Delta Park
  • September 9 - Youth Event in Delta Park

May-Aug 2022: Master Plan Development and Feedback

Aug-Dec 2022: Design

2023: Project Bidding

2024 - 2025: Construction and opening 

Key Partners