Greeley Parks Playground Refresh

Twin Rivers Community Park

In 2024, City of Greeley parks staff started planning for a playground and landscaping update to Twin Rivers Community Park Playground. The footprint of the playground will expand, and the play equipment will be updated to be more accessible for children and caregivers. The ground cover is cracked with chunks missing and the equipment is again. We look forward to revamping this beloved space starting fall of this year with an opening of spring 2026.

Community engagement is a key component of this project. Stay tuned for a Speak Up Greeley page where you will find more information, stay up-to-date and have a chance to provide your feedback!

Vacant playground during the day


Brentwood Playground

The Brentwood playground serves as the neighborhood park for the single-family homes and apartment complex nearby. The play equipment is severely outdated and not accessible. The City of Greeley parks staff looks forward to working with Brentwood Middle School students, staff and the surrounding community to build a modern, functioning playground that everyone can enjoy. Design and construction are slated for 2025 – 2026.

A vacant playground and swing set during the day

Peak View Park

Community feedback will help shape the design of a revamped playground with design beginning in 2025.

Raised concrete flower bed in front of Peak View Park playground

Contact Us

Parks Office: 970-336-4180