Energy Action Plan

Success Stories

The City of Greeley is proud of the successes in energy conservation within the community. See some success stories in the links below.
Island Grove Apartments

Partners in Energy

Through August 2021, the City of Greeley in partnership with Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy is working to improve energy efficiency and save money by encouraging residents and businesses to cash in on efficiency programs and rebates from all energy utility providers, including Xcel Energy, Atmos, and Poudre Valley REA.

Take a look below at how you can help conserve energy and save money through programs and rebates at your home or business. Take a look at efforts by local government and educational facilities to see what they have been doing and find inspiration. To receive updates on events, achievements, and energy efficiency programs, please sign up under "Stay Informed" on this webpage.

Greeley aims to increase residential efficiency rebate program participation by 50%.

Celebrate Arbor Day

Celebrate Arbor Day with the City of Greeley and Xcel Energy by greening your home inside and out!

Saturday, April 25th | 9 a.m. to noon | Lincoln Park

Planting a tree sapling will help you clean the air and create shade. Installing the contents of the conservation kit is roughly equivalent to the climate benefits of 3 tree seedlings grown for 10 years! Limited quantities available for FREE!

The City of Greeley promotes a healthy and diverse economy and a high quality of life that is responsive to all of its residents, businesses, and neighborhoods.

With Xcel Energy Partners in Energy, the community is creating an affordable and reliable energy future based on increased residential, commercial, and industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy opportunities to improve economic health and stimulate growth.


Don’t stop at Arbor Day! Understanding how your home uses energy can help you discover opportunities to save money, energy, and carbon emissions every day!

The house on the right demonstrates a typical home’s energy use by activity.*

*Breakout developed from the Minnesota Department of Commerce Division of Energy Resources, Home Energy Guide, 2018

Free Ways to Save

You don't have to spend money to save!
  • Heating & Air Conditioning: Circulate fans counter clock-wise for summer relief
  • Appliances: Use the microwave instead of the oven - it can use as much as 80% less energy
  • Water Heating: Set your hot water heater to no higher than 120o F
  • Lighting: Turn off lights when leaving a room and use task lighting
  • Electronics: Manage plug loads with power strips and timers

Visit to learn more ways to save.

Home Energy Squad®

Need help finding out where to start?

Home Energy Squad is the perfect way to begin your journey. For just $50, the Home Energy Squad will come to their home and swap out traditional incandescent light bulbs for LEDs, install a programmable thermostat, weather-strip a drafty door, install energy-efficient showerheads and aerators, and more. Installation, labor, and materials are valued at $200!

Upgrade your visit to Home Energy Squad Plus to receive a professional energy audit of your home, all in one convenient visit. A $600 value for just $150.

Schedule a visit at or call 303-446-7910.

Renewable Energy with Windsource®

Power your home with hassle-free wind energy!

Windsource allows customers to get more or all of their energy from renewable resources and it’s an easy, inexpensive way to make a difference. You can choose how much you want and the subscription is added right to your Xcel Energy bill. Subscriptions are available in 100 kWh blocks for the small additional premium of $1.50 per block. That means for an average home using 800 kWh a month, the total additional cost is $12/month to be 100% windsource-powered.

Sign up at or call 1-800-835-4999.

Greeley aims to increase business efficiency rebate program participation by 35%.

Educational institutions (Aims, UNC, School District 6) will facilitate outreach to students to build a culture of resource conservation in Greeley. This outreach might include information and kits to increase energy efficiency in their homes, involving campus groups in outreach events identified in the Energy Action Plan, and/or internship opportunities with energy efficiency or renewable energy partners. Educational institutions are also performing audits of facilities and implementing energy efficiency measures.

The City is leveraging Xcel Energy’s audit program to schedule and complete audits in the largest and most energy intensive municipal facilities. Xcel Energy will work with City staff to develop a priority list of improvements per the audit reports. Once prioritized, the City will aim to complete at least one efficiency project per facility. The City will also consider using local contractors to perform energy efficiency improvements to maximize local economic benefits and workforce growth.

Additionally, Xcel Energy will partner with the City of Greeley through their Strategic Energy Management Program to coordinate project implementation through engagement with City staff to help Greeley overcome challenges associated with efficiency projects. This program offers rebate assistance to ensure that rebate opportunities are captured and benefits to the City are maximized.

The City is also working to integrate the provision of efficiency and rebate opportunities into the process of reviewing and approving new private construction. City development review staff often have early contact with developers and can help alert them to assistance offered by utility providers regarding energy efficiency.

Energy Action Plan

City Council adopted the Energy Action Plan in 2019 as a part of Greeley’s comprehensive plan — Imagine Greeley. City staff worked through Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy offering to assemble an Energy Action Team of community stakeholders to draft goals and strategies for residences, businesses, institutions, and the City of Greeley. The Energy Action Team created the framework for the Energy Action Plan and identified three priorities for the community:

  1. Create an affordable and reliable energy future.
  2. Increase residential, commercial, and industrial energy efficiency and alternative energy opportunities.
  3. Improve economic health and stimulate growth.

The Energy Action Plan identifies four focus areas: residential, business, educational institution, and municipal. Each focus area has identified goals and specific strategies to help Greeley reach the goals. The City of Greeley adopted the plan, and Xcel Energy committed to support.

Events and Updates

Stay Informed

Contact Info

Caleb Jackson, AICP
Planner II