City Clerk
The City Clerk's Office Has Moved! As of November 14, the City Clerk's Office is now located across the street at City Center North,1100 10th Street, Greeley, Colorado 80631. For assistance or directions, please call 970-350-9740. Thank you for your understanding!
The City Clerk's Office serves to connect residents and other stakeholders with their local government. The office serves as the Clerk to City Council, manages election functions, coordinates liquor licensing and event permits, keeps the City seal, serves as the City's records manager including running the Central Records Center, and managing appointed boards and commissions.
Contact the Clerk's Office for help with:
- Knowing what the City Council is doing, and finding information about both past Council actions and future decisions.
- Opportunities to participate and engage with local government, including providing input to the City Council in local decision making.
- Obtaining liquor licenses for businesses and events in Greeley.
- Requesting access to public records or for information about how the City manages its records.
- Running for office to serve on the City Council or for more information about the local election process.
- Applying to serve on an appointed board and commission or finding more information about the ongoing advisory work of those boards and commissions.
Contact the office at 970-350-9740 or
Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions are groups of resident volunteers that study special community issues and provide direction,
comment and recommendations to the City Council. These 24 groups are the voice of the community; they influence public policy and programming decisions that can affect the entire city.
Access meeting calendars, agendas, minutes, and video where available for meetings of City Boards and Commissions in the City Meeting Portal.
Enter City Meeting Portal
Public Notices
Legal publication notices (public hearings, ordinances under consideration) are posted in the Greeley Tribune and on the City’s Meeting Portal.
Revocable Event Permit Application
A Revocable Event Permit is needed for any event proposed to take place on City streets, plazas, and other City-owned rights-of-way, other than parks and sidewalks. Examples include, but are not limited to: parades, block parties, 5K runs/walks, marathons, etc. Events proposed to take place in a City park must be arranged through the Culture, Parks and Recreation Department either by going to their website or by visiting the front desk of the Downtown Recreation Center at 651 10th Avenue.
NOTE: If you intend to hold an event that is for an entertainment activity other than a demonstration designed to express views or grievances, you will need to apply for a Public Space Events Permit through the City of Greeley Public Works Department. Applications are processed via the eTrakit portal:
More information can be found at:
Permit Questions
(970) 350-9881
Clerk to City Council
Access meeting calendars, agendas, minutes, and video for all meetings of the City Council in the City Meeting Portal.
Enter City Meeting Portal
Video: How To Navigate Greeley's City Meeting Portal
Legal publication notices (public hearings, ordinances under consideration) are posted in the
Greeley Tribune's Legal Notice search.
Municipal Code & Charter
The online version of the Greeley Municipal Code and Charter can be found here. Take note of the "updated through" date, as there may be additional ordinances that have not yet been codified.
Open Records Requests
The City of Greeley Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) Policy reflects the decentralized authority for records management in the organization. Each department is responsible for maintaining and providing its own records. The policy is available upon request.
To request records for inspection, submit a Public Records Request form to the City Clerk's Office.
There may be a fee associated with your request, based upon staff time and actual costs required for producing the requested information.
Records for the Greeley Police Department must be obtained through the Police Records Division.