Historic Preservation

Historic Preservation Commission

The Historic Preservation Commission meets at City Center South on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month at 4:00 p.m. During the public hearing portion of the meeting, residents can submit input, comments, and questions.

Historic Resource Survey Plan

Greeley's Historic Preservation Commission recently conducted an assessment to define historic properties and areas within the city. The final draft of the Historic Resource Survey Plan is available to read online.

Historic resource surveys provide historical and architectural information on properties and areas and identify significant and potentially eligible properties for designation. Property owners can then decide if they are interested in designation and financial incentives for rehabilitation work. This project was paid for in part by a History Colorado – State Historical Fund grant.

Virtual Walking Tour

Here in Greeley we pride ourselves in preserving our historic properties and areas as well as celebrating Greeley’s history and our significant buildings, sites, and districts. To accomplish this we:

  • Designate properties on the Greeley Historic Register
  • Help provide financial incentives for work on designated properties
  • Ensure the preservation of the characteristics that make designated properties unique and important
  • Host events and provide resources to interested groups
    • Walking tours
    • History brown bags
    • Celebrate Historic Preservation Month every May

We'd love to talk with you about historic preservation and Greeley’s unique history!  Please give us a call, send an email or come join us at an event or meeting!

Certificates of Designation and Certificates of Approval can be submitted online using eTRAKiT.

Recent Press Releases

History Presentation Explores Stories of Cowboys and Homesteaders in the Post-Civil War Era

October 18, 2022

The Greeley Historic Preservation Commission invites the public to a free history presentation of stories about Native American cowboy Jack Crow and other cowboys and homesteaders in the post-Civil War era at noon, Thursday, Oct. 27 at the Greeley History Museum, 714 8th Street. 

Historic Register Map

Download our map of Historic properties and take a walk and see some of Greeley's cool places. Most are privately owned. Please respect the privacy of property owners and view from the sidewalk.

Learn more by visiting the Historic Preservation Commission page.

Historic Properties

Ever wanted to know the story about that old house down the street? Learn more about Greeley homes and buildings on our inventoried properties page.

Eligible properties can be added to the Greeley Historic Register. This allows your property to receive recognition for its historical, architectural, and/or geographical significance in Greeley’s history and ensures that the historic qualities will be maintained in the future. Additionally, you may be eligible for additional benefits, such as grant funds, low interests loans, tax credits, and other incentives.

Interested in applying?

We'll walk you through the process on our historic register page.

Looking for additional resources?

The following organizations have more information on historic preservation:

Learn More

Interested in learning more about a historical property? We are here to help! Here are some online resources:

Don't forget to check out our virtual tour of downtown Greeley.

Contact us for additional resources at 970-350-9222 or Elizabeth.Kellums@greeleygov.com

Did you miss the Preservation Workshop with Bob Yapp? Did you attend, but now you need a refresher?

See the documents below to help you with your next preservation project!


See below for items for sale by the Historic Preservation Commission.

Guidebooks for Historic Downtown Greeley

“Downtown Greeley has a story to tell.  The story begins with the establishment of Greeley and the platting of Lincoln Park, and it is not over yet.  The 1870 park and a 1974 concrete commercial building have significant voices in this story, with many treasures between them.  Did you know

  • Greeley had one of the first  self-service grocery stores, before it became the norm?
  • Downtown Greeley had several sulfur steam baths?
  • Several buildings in downtown were designed by well known Greeley and Colorado architects, including Greeley’s first female architect?

Find out about these facts and more inside.  Take a new look at downtown Greeley when you read about the people and businesses that helped Greeley get where it is today.”

GREELEY, COLORADO: History and Architecture of its Downtown Buildings is full of history, architectural information and photos of historic Downtown Greeley.  Learn little-known facts about Greeley’s historic downtown.


Windows of Time Historic Preservation Documentary

Together, GTV8 and the Historic Preservation Commission produced Windows of Time, a show about historic preservation in Greeley. Experience local history told through stories about people and historic buildings, sites, structures and objects with which they are associated. DVDs of these shows are available for purchase for $10 each at the Historic Preservation office.

  • From the Volga to the Platte: Germans from Russia in Greeley

    • Many Germans came to the United States for opportunity for a better life after moving to Russia in the 18-19th centuries. They came Greeley to work in the sugar beet fields and then on to other occupations. Learn about their experiences coming to the US; their work ethic, education, religion, culture and traditions; lives during the World Wars, and the Sunrise Park neighborhood where their legacy endures today.

      Watch From the Volga to the Platte on YouTube

    J.M.B. Petrikin and the Masonic Temple

    • Learn about the Masonic Temple at 829 10th Avenue and one of the grand masters of the Lodge. Petrikin was a prominent local banker, citizen, and the leader of the lodge when the temple was built in 1927. See footage inside the temple, historic photos, as well as stories about Petrikin, his home on Inspiration Point, and the temple.

      Watch J.M.B. Petrikin and the Masonic Temple on YouTube

  • P.O.W. Camp 202

    • How much do you know about the World War II camp that existed west of Greeley from 1943-1946? Learn about the German prisoners, farmers, local citizens, and the only visible remains of Camp 202; the two stone pillars on the north side of Highway 34. Interviews and excerpts from a prisoner's letter showcase the relationship local residents, particularly farmers, had with the prisoners.

      Watch P.O.W. Camp 202 on YouTube

  • No. 3 Ditch

    • The history of the ditch highlights the importance of water and irrigation in the establishment of Greeley. Learn how Greeley’s early settlers created and used the No. 3 Ditch as well as its impacts  today. Start at the headgate and follow the ditch through town, with interviews and narration explaining the ditch’s history, irrigation and recreational uses of the ditch, historical legal issues, and the continued significance along the way.

    • Watch No. 3 Ditch on YouTube

Contact Us!

Historic Preservation

1100 10th St,
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday: 
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9222 tel
970-350-9895 fax