Construction Standards
All construction, development, repair, or adjustments affecting city infrastructure within the City of Greeley must adhere to current standards.
Request a hard copy of the manual:
There will be a $25.00 printing charge and a $5.00 shipping charge if we print the manual and ship to you directly. Our office is located at:
City of Greeley Public Works Department
1001 11th Avenue, 3rd Floor
Greeley, CO 80631
Engineering Design Standards
The City of Greeley's Street Design Criteria and Construction Specification document is intended to provide guidance for the design, review, and construction of those public improvements in or under the public right-of-way and public easements.
You may obtain the City of Greeley Street Standards manual which consists of the Design Criteria and Construction Specifications by contacting our office or downloading the Adobe Acrobat file listed below.