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Human Relations Commission

The purpose of the Human Relations Commission is to foster mutual respect and understanding among all members of the Greeley community. This commission creates an atmosphere conducive to community dialogue and appreciation. It provides a venue where residents can suggest policy changes to Greeley City Council regarding social issues for the benefit of the whole community.


Location: 2nd Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m; hybrid format (in-person at City Hall - 1000 10th Street, or via Zoom - Verify meeting link by contacting nelvis.alvarez@greeleygov.com).

About Us!
  • Qualifications: Greeley Resident
  • Structure: 12 members – 9 appointed by the Greeley City Council. One from the University of Northern Colorado, one from Aims Community College and one from Greeley/Evans School District 6.
  • Terms: 3 year terms, 2 term limit
  • Average Commitment: 3 hours per month


  • Terry Anderson
  • Amber Greene
  • Fatima Groom
  • Regina Holzmeister
  • Laney Jasson
  • Jeanne Lipman
  • Llily Martin
  • Jennifer Nicolae
  • David Reyes
  • Jeannette Shepherd
  • Kimber Watson
  • Councilmember Deb DeBoutez (ex-officio)
“We do the best we can with what we know and when we know better, we do better.” –Maya Angelou
“Hacemos lo mejor que podemos con lo que sabemos y cuando obtenemos mejor información, hacemos mejor.” – Maya Angelou
City of Greeley
Contact Us

City Clerk's Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9746 tel
970-350-9828 fax

Use this for general inquiries. Individual boards may have their own contact person.

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