City of Greeley News

Attend UNC Professor’s Free Holocaust Presentation April 27


Join a free history presentation to hear about lesser-known aspects of the Holocaust at noon, Thursday, April 27, at the Active Adult Center, 1010 6th Street.

The presentation in basement meeting rooms 2 and 3 is free and open to the public. No reservations are required.

University of Northern Colorado History Professor Joan Clinefelter, Ph.D., will discuss the gap between what people have heard about the Holocaust and what actually happened. For example, the facts are:

  • The mass murder of Jews started in the summer of 1941 rather than in 1933 when Hitler became German Chancellor.
  • At the end of the war, more Jews lived in Germany than before the war started.

In Holocaust 101, Clinefelter will shed light on these and other Holocaust topics.

Meet the Presenter
Clinefelter has taught at the University of Northern Colorado since 1995.  Her areas of expertise include Modern European History, 20th-century Europe, and modern Germany. She has written numerous articles about Nazi Germany and teaches a history course about the Holocaust.

The presentation is hosted by the Holocaust Memorial Observances, in collaboration with the Greeley Historic Preservation Commission.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Kellums at or (970) 350-9222. 



Release Date:
Apr 12, 2023

Elizabeth Kellums, historic preservation planner


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Greeley, Colorado 80631
