City of Greeley News

City of Greeley Approves $541.8 Million 2025 Budget, Supported by Voters

GREELEY, Colo. —The City of Greeley has passed its 2025 budget. The budget outlines funding for transportation, public safety, parks, housing and more. The $541.8 million budget shows the city’s focus on growth and quality services. 

Voter-approved ballot measures from November will fund key initiatives. Ballot Measure 2M allows the city to borrow money for transportation infrastructure. This borrowed money will fund upgrades to U.S. 34 at 35th and 47th Avenues. These improvements are part of the MERGE transportation project. They will make travel safer and easier. Also, it will better connect Greeley's north and south sides with a new transportation hub. 

Ballot Measure 2L continues Greeley’s 3% food sales tax. This tax will help maintain and expand parks, roads, utilities and recreation facilities. These areas are important to the city because they impact residents' quality of life. 

The ballot measures and budget also reflect feedback from the 2024 Community Survey. Greeley residents said their top priorities are maintaining streets, sidewalks and utilities. They also prioritized traffic flow and congestion management.  

“These measures and the budget work together to make projects happen,” Chief Finance Officer Allena Portis said. “With the support of our community, we can invest in what Greeley needs now and in the future.”  

Mayor John Gates shared similar thoughts.  

“This budget is about building a stronger, better Greeley for everyone. It’s about improving our roads, parks and services to improve life here,” Mayor John Gates said. “We’re so grateful for the community’s support and trust in this process.”  

2025 Budget Priorities  

Transportation: The MERGE project focuses on improving transportation. It will build new interchanges at 35th and 47th Avenues, create a transportation hub and improve walking and biking paths. The Lincoln Park redesign will make a key public space nicer for everyone.  

Environment: Sustainability and environmental care remain top priorities. The Poudre River Restoration project will improve the river’s ecosystem. It plans to make it an economic and recreational asset for the community.  

Public Safety: The budget will expand police and fire services to support Greeley’s growing population. This includes more employees. More funds will cover first responder wellness, physicals and updated equipment.  

Affordable Housing: The budget also expands affordable housing projects. It creates diverse housing options and services to meet the needs of Greeley’s residents. These services include outreach and rapid rehousing. Projects like these offer residents opportunities for healthy, independent living.  

Quality of Life: Areas like parks and recreation support residents' quality of life. The budget supports public art, parks and trails and tree and flower bed projects. 

High-Performance Government: The 2025 budget supports the Customer Experience Initiative. The project includes a city website renovation. It will also introduce a call center and customer relationship management platform. Other projects, like employee mental health and coaching, support the city's employees. 

The 2025 budget will start in January. The city will share regular updates on projects throughout the year. The entire budget is at For more information, visit


Release Date:
Dec 20, 2024

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Greeley, Colorado 80631
