City of Greeley News

City of Greeley Looks at Partnership with The Water Valley Company for a New Development on the West Side

At the City Council meeting on 7/30, members of Council unanimously authorized the City Manager to sign a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding to pursue due diligence on a potential partnership with The Water Valley Company for a new development on the West side of Greeley.

The Water Valley Company has expressed interest in working with the City to evaluate the viability, feasibility and public benefit of a public-private partnership for the potential development of a mixed-use, transit-oriented, entertainment district development.

"Greeley's growth over the past decade and our strategic focus on cultivating a business-friendly climate have positioned us to capitalize on transformative opportunities like this," said Greeley Mayor John Gates. "This project would be the only one of its kind in Northern Colorado -- a true entertainment district with sports, hospitality, retail opportunities for our local businesses, food and beverage, recreation, housing and more. As a partner on this project, the city would have a real hand in shaping its future in line with the character and ideals of our community. I look forward to seeing the results of the vetting process and sharing what we learn."

Release Date:
Jul 30, 2024

Blair Snow
Assistant to the City Manager

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Greeley, Colorado 80631
