City of Greeley News

Greeley Competes to be the Most Water Wise in the Nation

Officials encourage Greeley residents to take part in a nationwide challenge to conserve water, save energy, reduce pollution, and make a pledge to save water at throughout August. 

Cities with the highest percentage of residents who take the challenge have a chance to win prizes. By participating, residents could win $3,000 toward home utility payments, water-saving fixtures, home improvement gift cards, and hundreds of other prizes. Residents also have the opportunity to nominate a local charity to receive a 2020 fuel-efficient Toyota Highlander Hybrid XLE.

The 9th National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation is presented by the Wyland Foundation and Toyota, with support from the U.S EPA WaterSense, The Toro Company, National League of Cities, Conserva Irrigation, EcoSystems Inc., and Earth Friendly Products (makers of ECOS).

Greeley competes in the 100,000 to 299,999 population category. Greeley won in 2012 and ranked in the top five for the last five years. The Mayor’s Challenge usually takes place in April. The Wyland Foundation postponed the challenge in 2020 for National Water Quality Month in August.

Release Date:
Aug 13, 2020
Ruth Quade, Water Conservation Outreach Administrator

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Greeley, Colorado 80631
