City of Greeley News

Help Shape the Future of Greeley’s Trail Systems


Tell the City of Greeley what you’d like to see for future trail development and connectivity with the community.

Community Involvement

Anyone who lives, works, or plays in Greeley can share their ideas by completing an online survey through mid-May in English or Spanish at On the Speak Up Greeley page, you also can read more about the project and suggest future trail connections using the story map feature. Your voice is essential to help shape the master plan.

Updated Trail Master Plan

Responses will inform the city’s Natural Areas and Trails Division in updating its master plan.

The current plan is over 20 years old. Greeley has changed a lot in two decades. A new plan is needed to provide a roadmap.

“The last 20 years, we have seen the creation of the Sheep Draw Trail, Greeley #3 Canal Trail, and the Mountain Vista-Owl Ridge Trail,” said Environmental Planner Karen Scopel. “These trails wouldn't be possible without a vision and a plan for the future. Where do residents want to go in the city, and how do they do that? The Trails Master Plan is our guide.”

Project Timeline 

This process launches this week and will wrap up at the end of 2023. Community input will be used to create a draft plan and concept design. Residents will be invited to provide additional feedback on the plan this summer.

For More Information

Visit Speak Up Greeley at







Release Date:
Apr 28, 2023

Contact Us

Communication and Engagement Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, Colorado 80631
