GREELEY, Colo. — Greeley Water’s top priority is to provide safe drinking water and protect public health. To that end, the City of Greeley is conducting a complete inventory of the city’s water service lines and replacing those that contain lead—for free!
Starting this month, the city’s partner, JGR Consult & Engineering, will contact 6,000 Greeley residents who live in houses built before 1960. JGR specializes in structural and residential utility site inspections. Residents in older homes can schedule JGR to conduct a free inspection of their water service line. Over the next few months, a letter from the City of Greeley and JGR will be sent to qualifying properties with instructions on scheduling the appointment.
The letter also provides information on how residents can complete and submit a self-inspection of their service line. All residents who live in houses built before 1981 can conduct the 5-minute test themselves. Go to and be eligible to win a $100 gift card.
What is a Water Service Line?
A water service line is an underground pipe that carries water from the public water main into your home. It can be copper, stainless steel, plastic or lead.
Why Are Inspections Necessary?
Even though Greeley's water supply is lead-free, lead can get into the treated water when it travels through lead pipes or plumbing fixtures made of lead. The City of Greeley must create an inventory of the materials used in its water service lines by October 2024. The publicly available data will ensure a safe drinking water system for all and support the city’s compliance with EPA regulatory revisions to the Lead and Copper Rule regulation.
Health Effects
Elevated levels of lead can cause serious health problems, especially for pregnant women and young children. The EPA has associated low blood levels of lead with reduced attention span, learning disabilities, poor classroom performance, hyperactivity, behavioral problems, impaired growth and hearing loss.