Boards and Commissions
Boards and Commissions are groups of citizen volunteers that study special community issues and provide direction, comment and recommendations to the City Council. These 23 groups are the voice of the community; they influence public policy and programming decisions that can affect the entire city.
Boards and Commissions are a great way to get involved in your community. They provide a venue for the healthy and harmonious discussion of issues from a variety of perspectives. The City Council is committed to appointing members that reflect Greeley's diverse character and considers a number of factors including geography, minority status, gender, and occupation or experiences when making appointments.
Community Webpage
We are excited to announce our newly updated Boards & Commission webpage, including an updated application process through Granicus. Community members can easily access descriptions of the City of Greeley Boards & Commissions, view available vacancies, and fill out our new electronic application.
Learn about Boards and Commissions
Submit a Boards and Commissions Application
The City Clerk's Office will reach out after the submission deadline. Depending on City Council's availability, virtual interviews are generally scheduled the second week of the month and appointments are decided at the second City Council meeting (third Tuesday of each month), unless otherwise noted.
Upcoming Meeting Information
Access agendas and minutes for all public meetings, including meetings of boards and commissions and City Council and Work Session meetings, in the City Meeting Portal. Calendars of meetings are also available in the portal, along with meeting videos for boards that record their meetings.