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City Manager's Blog

Greeley Ramping Up Hotel & “City Center” Moves

The City’s downtown office buildings, including City Hall, are all abuzz about the new hotel and City Center projects—and for good reason.  Planning for these projects began in 2011 with a study to assess the condition and usefulness of Greeley’s current downtown city government buildings and begin planning for consolidation of those buildings.  These plans were accelerated with the possibility of a new hotel and conference center on the Lincoln Park Annex block that’s currently the home of several City offices.  A hotel in that location would require that Municipal Court, IT, GTV8, Fire Station #1, City Council chambers, and the High Plains Library District branch library move off the block.

Things have started moving right along because meetings are progressing with architects, planners and developers for the hotel and the new municipal office campus.  In fact, in preparation for actual construction of the City Center campus, four properties on a different downtown block have been purchased along with the vacant 11th Avenue Safeway.

City staff is beginning to prepare for moves into temporary space.  For example, the City Council has moved in with Greeley-Evans School District 6 and within the next few months GTV8 will move into vacant space at the Greeley Ice Haus, while Municipal Court will move to modular offices on the Safeway block.  The Fire Station, IT and the Library are all working on their temporary locations as well.

To prepare for the City Center campus on the 1000 block of 11th Avenue, a house was moved to west Greeley and demolition of a bank and apartment building on that block should start soon.

Stay tuned for more updates coming soon at

Roy H. Otto
City Manager

Update: The demolition of the bank and apartment buildings is complete and those properties are being cleared of debris.  Overnight on February 16 the house was moved to west Greeley.

Greeley City Hall

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City Manager's Office

1000 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


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