Judge J William (Bill) Sierra serves as one of the City of Greeley’s Assistant Municipal Court Judges and Hearing Officers for cases involving traffic and minor criminal matters, liquor licensing, animal and zoning issues and other municipal code violations.
Judge Sierra is a graduate of Southern Illinois University-Carbondale and the University of Iowa in Iowa City and earned his Juris Doctor degree in 1990 from the University of Iowa College of Law. After moving to Colorado with his wife in

1991, Judge Sierra spent several years as a law clerk in the Denver Juvenile Court. Since then, he has enjoyed a career as an attorney in private practice. Judge Sierra has also served as a contract attorney for the state of Colorado in the role of Guardian ad Litem, Respondent Parent Counsel and Alternate Defense Counsel (juvenile defense).
Judge Sierra was an early member of one of the nation’s first problem solving courts: Drug Court (later changed to Family Treatment Court) in the 17th Judicial District. Judge Sierra was named Respondent Parent Counsel of the year for the 17th Judicial District and is a past member of the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association, the Colorado Bar Association and the Asian Pacific Bar Association.
Judge Sierra and his wife, daughter and dogs enjoy living in and being a part of the community in Greeley. He spends his spare time biking, running, walking the family dogs, reading and listening to music of all genres.