Courts in Colorado provide information about available veterans services and programs to those defendants who are an active duty service member or veteran of the United States Armed Forces. Our active duty service members or veterans who are charged with a crime often have special or unique needs.
If you are an active duty service member or a veteran, please let the Court know of your status. There are resources and services that may be available to you.
Recent legislation passed by the Colorado Legislature in 2018 requires that Courts in Colorado ascertain whether or not a defendant is serving in the United States Armed Forces or is Veteran of such forces. Courts are required to inform any such defendant that he or she may be entitled to receive mental health treatment, substance use disorder treatment, or other services as a Veteran. Veteran’s Treatment Courts are established throughout the Courts in Colorado. Successful completion of a Veteran’s Treatment Court program is also a factor the Courts must consider favorably for the Sealing of Records.
The following are documents and resources of the available veterans services and programs (this list is updated regularly):
Veteran’s Crisis Line
Call: 1-800-273-8255 and press 1
Text: 838255
Support for deaf and hard of hearing: 1-800-799-4889