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Historic Register

The Greeley Historic Register was established to preserve Greeley's historic resources. Properties on the register are recognized for their historical, architectural, and/or geographical significance in Greeley’s history. Read below, or talk to us about the designation process at 970-350-9222 or Betsy.Kellums@greeleygov.com.


Designation allows your property to receive special historical, architectural, and/or geographical significance in Greeley’s history. It also ensures that your property’s historic qualities will be maintained in the future, independent of its ownership. Designation can significantly increase the value of your property and surrounding neighborhood as it contributes to the revitalization of neighborhoods as a visual symbol of our history that promotes pride in the community.

Additionally, the Historic Preservation Commission is available to help with the architectural advice and ideas. And you may be eligible for one or more of the financial benefits listed below.

Historic Preservation Designation Benefits

Low interest rate loans
Colorado Historic Preservation Income Tax Credit
Permit refunds


While there is no obligation to restore or rehabilitate your property, you must work with the Historic Preservation Commission or the Historic Preservation Specialist for the following:

  • Altering, moving or demolishing a structure.
  • Major exterior alterations, repairs, rehabilitation, reconstruction or new construction.
  • Repairs, routine maintenance, landscaping, low fences or walls, or painting

Nomination and Designation Process

Owner Nominations

Any owner may nominate their property, area or structure for designation.We will help you through the nomination process, including explanation of the process, benefits and obligations of designation, and assistance in determining eligibility and significance of a property.

Properties and districts nominated but not yet designated are subject to legal protection for 120 days until the status is determined. Permits to alter or remodel the exterior of a property or to build, relocate, or raze will not be issued during that 120 day period unless there is a written exemption from the Commission.

Designation is a five-step process which takes 60-90 days from the time the application is submitted to the public hearing where the Commission votes on the designation.

  1. Pre-application conference. Meet with us to review the property’s significance and to discuss the details of the designation process.
  2. Formal application. Submit a completed Greeley Historic Register Nomination Packet, legal description of the property, exterior photos of all building sides and a $50 application fee to the Historic Preservation Office.
  3. Notification. The property owner is notified, a public hearing is scheduled, and a public notice is posted on the property.
  4. Public Hearing. A hearing, including a staff report on the merits of the application, an applicant presentation (if desired), and public comment, is held before the Historic Preservation Commission
  5. Disposition. The Commission will rule on the application after hearing all interested parties and relevant evidence.

Non-owner and District Nominations

The Planning Commission, Greeley Urban Renewal Authority, Downtown Development Authority or any preservation organization including nonprofit historic preservation groups may nominate a property, district, area or structure for designation subject to all the rules and procedures of the Greeley Municipal Code. Non-owner individual nominations are reviewed under stricter protections and must meet criteria of overwhelming historic importance to the entire community.

Two or more individuals may nominate a district in which they own property by attaching a petition with signatures of support from property owners within the district showing. District nominations require a district designation plan, neighborhood meeting and an owner vote with a majority approval prior to a designation hearing.

In the case of non-owner and district nominations, the Commission makes a recommendation and the City Council makes the final decision.

Smith House

Contact Us!

Historic Preservation

1100 10th St,
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday: 
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

970-350-9222 tel
970-350-9895 fax


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