When developed properties are adjacent to natural areas, the City takes the “good neighbor” approach, mowing vegetation at a height of 6 inches for a minimum of 10 feet from the property line or 30 feet from a habitable structure, whichever is more. The fire mitigation mow is performed twice per year. This standard follows current fire mitigation best practices.
For more information about vegetation management standards, visit Maintenace of Public Spaces.
Natural Areas and Trails also consult with industry experts to explore other fire mitigation practices, such as prescribed burns.
What is a Prescribed Burn?
A prescribed burn is a carefully planned and controlled fire conducted under specific conditions to achieve ecological and land management goals. Environmental managers use this proactive approach to restore and maintain healthy ecosystems. We will begin exploring options for prescribed fire windows in Spring 2025.
Benefits of Prescribed Burn
Reduces Fire Risk: Gets rid of built-up fuels that could cause more intense wildfires.
Promotes Biodiversity: Helps native plants thrive and supports many species of wildlife.
Creates Fire Breaks: Burned areas slow down future wildfires near trails and homes.
Cost Effective: A versatile and cheaper way to manage vegetation.
Firefighter Safety: Provides training for firefighters and makes future fires less severe.
Safety is our top priority. Burning operations will occur as weather conditions permit. Trained and qualified professionals will oversee and conduct the burn to ensure minimal impact on air quality and public safety. Burning operations will only occur if weather conditions and certified staffing are sufficient. We will notify area residents via City social media channels the day of the burn.