Grow Greeley's Urban Forest

Greeley's urban forest consists of trees in parks, neighborhoods, and along streets. These trees are vital to our community's health, environment, and quality of life. Since 2009, Greeley's tree canopy has expanded to 8.2%, an increase of less than 2% of the city over a 14-year period. While this small expansion is good news, the Urban Forest Strategic Plan will guide our trees' planting, care, and sustainable growth over the next 20 years.

Why It Matters

Trees improve air quality, reduce heat, support wildlife, and enhance our neighborhoods. This plan will help:

  • Identify community priorities

  • Address challenges like aging trees and development pressures

  • Ensure objective tree cover across all of Greeley.

Get Involved!

We need your input to shape the future of Greeley's trees! Take our short survey and provide your feedback. 

Learn more about the city’s processes for maintaining public spaces. Let’s work together to keep Greeley clean, safe and beautiful.

Share the Shade

An average of 250 trees a year are removed from Greeley’s urban forest due to age, insects, diseases, environmental events, and lack of proper care. In one generation, that amounts to more than 6,000 trees removed, and unfortunately, the trend of replanting trees in our community is relatively low. To promote and increase tree-planting efforts in our neighborhoods, the City of Greeley has implemented a residential planting program called Share the Shade.

This program helps residents of Greeley purchase and plant trees on their property with an annual goal to plant a minimum of 100 trees throughout the community. Residential property owners can apply to receive up to two trees per year. The City of Greeley covers the expenses that include the tree, supplies, delivery and professional installation by City staff with the help of volunteers.

Apply Today

Trees are amazing creations that enhance our daily lives. They provide the aesthetic qualities of beauty, color, and form; especially in our urbanized landscapes. Greeley loves trees. In fact, we have been a Tree City USA for over 30 years!

In order to keep Greeley green, we do the following:

  • Maintain trees and shrubs in our parks and public grounds
  • Monitor for damaging insect and disease issues
  • Test, license and monitor shade tree contractors
  • Enforce City codes for tree maintenance and planting
  • Manage our Memorial Tree and Tree Donation Programs
  • Plan, implement, and maintain public floral displays

See our helpful information below, and if you have a question, contact us at 970-351-5150.

Emerald Ash Borer in Colorado

Confirmation of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) in Colorado warns of upcoming and unavoidable introduction of a new tree pest to Greeley’s urban forest. This infestation could adversely affect thousands of ash trees in our community and hundreds of thousands across the Front Range.

In 2013, it was identified in Boulder, and has recently been found in Berthoud, Loveland and Fort Collins. The insect has not yet been identified in Greeley.

With EAB, it is not a matter of if the beetle will appear in Greeley; it is a matter of when.

Learn how to detect, prevent, and treat for Emerald Ash Borer at the Colorado Department of Agriculture. If you think you have EAB in your ash trees, please contact the Greeley Forestry Program at 970-351-5150.

City of Greeley officials began preparing for EAB in 2014. As a part of that management plan, staff worked to educate the public to identify and avoid bringing the beetle to the area (and to manage the beetle when it is found inside city limits).

The City of Greeley has now implemented a Residential Ash Treatment Program to provide residents with ash trees a treatment option at substantial cost savings. In a nutshell, residents can pay the City of Greeley to treat their tree(s) and the City will hire an independent and licensed Pesticide Applicator to provide the preventative treatments.

Find out more about the Residential Ash Treatment Program.

Hiring a Tree Service (Trimming and Removals)

Companies or individuals offering tree trimming or removals in Greeley on woody plants over 10 feet in height must be licensed by the City of Greeley. See our list of licensed contractors.


  • Ask for job references
  • Check with the contractor and their insurance agency to be sure their policy is current
  • When receiving bids, make sure you ask for the same exact service from all prospective contractors
  • Tree "topping" is an unhealthy practice and is not allowed in Greeley
  • Never pay in advance
  • Contact the Better Business Bureau at 970-686-7722 for additional references

Close to Power Lines?

Few tree services are authorized to work within 10 feet of energized lines. Contact us at 970-351-5150 with questions.

Planting and Caring for Your Trees

Trees are a significant, long-term investment in your property and the entire community. That investment should compliment your home and increase in value over time. Keep your trees strong and beautiful by following our tips below.

Forestry Tree Care

Watering and Nutrition
Pest Control
Environmental/Mechanical Damage

Forestry E-Consult

Forestry eConsult

Mountain Ash

Helpful Links

Contact Us


2631 52nd Avenue Ct
Greeley, Colorado 80634

Monday - Friday
6:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. 

970-351-5150 tel

button for link to tree health dashboard