
We maintain the streets of Greeley through the following programs: snow and ice control, street sweeping, pothole repair, graffiti removal, graveled streets and alley maintenance, vegetation management, and stormwater maintenance.

Street and Traffic Problems

Street Defects

Street defects, including potholes, as well as graffiti are repaired by our Streets division. Use the dropdown form on this page, or call 970-350-9336 to report a problem.

Information on streetlights and traffic problems can be found on our Transportation page.

Annual Spring Clean-Up

The 2025 Spring Clean Up is on April 25-26. Download the event flyer for more details.

Snow and Ice

When winter weather hits, City of Greeley staff work to clear snow and ice from streets as quickly as possible. To provide the best service, we prioritize plowing based on safety, use and facility access. Learn more about snow and ice removal across Greeley, including priority maps.

Winter FAQs

Streets Snow and Ice FAQs

Can I park my car on the street during a snow storm?
Where can I get storm updates?
Should I be driving on City streets during a winter snow storm?
Why don't we have more resources to plow neighborhood streets?
Why are front loaders and graders used on residential streets?
During major storms, the post office has not been able to deliver mail because residential streets have too much snow. What is the city doing about this?
Do I have to clear sidewalks around my home or business?

Street Sweeping

Street sweepers remove debris from our streets and prevent it from entering our storm drains. Street sweeping also helps us comply with state and federal storm water quality requirements in accordance with National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Did you Know?

  • It is unlawful for refuse of any kind or nature whatsoever to be thrown or swept into any street, sidewalk, gutter, sewer, intake, alley, vacant lot or other property. This includes leaves and tree limbs.
  • It is illegal to leave a vehicle unattended within any portion of a street or highway right-of-way for 24 hours or more.
  • Sweeper operators post temporary No Parking signs as needed.
  • Parked and abandoned vehicles can cause dirt and debris to build up causing storm water to back into the street - moving these vehicles help us keep our city clean!

Sweeping Schedules

  • Weekly: downtown streets (Fridays, early morning)
  • Monthly: main arterials, downtown alleys, city owned parking lots
  • Five times a year: residential streets east of 47th Avenue, paved alleys
  • Three times a year: residential streets west of 47th Avenue (fewer mature trees and alleys)
  • As needed: for events or as requested by City departments

Contact Us

Public Works

2835 W. 10th St.
Greeley, CO 80631

Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
