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Important Contacts

Public Works Permits

2835 W. 10th Street
Greeley, CO 80631

Permit Questions
(970) 350-9881

Traffic Management Center
(970) 350-9277

Civil Inspections
(970) 350-9539

Water and Sewer
(970) 350-9811

City of Greeley Public Space Permitting

Welcome to Public Works’ permitting website. The purpose of this website is to provide contractors, residents, and others a single place to access information regarding the permitting process for work and activities within the City of Greeley’s Public Space and any activities related to land grading on private property. It is important to note that the Public Space is often referred to as Right of Way, so any inquiries about “Right of Way permits” should be directed here and are covered within Public Space permits.

To facilitate this permitting process for the City of Greeley, the Public Works Department, along with partner departments, utilizes the online eTrakit Portal for the application, approval, and management of Public Space permits. In an effort to document permitting standards, expectations, and requirements, the City of Greeley has developed a single document called Permitting Requirements for Activities within Public Space and Land Grading Activities. Please note that as part of any permit application, the applicant must agree to and will be held to these requirements. As such, we would recommend reading and understanding the document thoroughly. 

IMPORTANT – All contractors who will be completing construction work within the Public Space are required to have a Business License and Contractors License. For more information on these, please visit the links below.

IMPORTANT – As all communication regarding permits is typically managed through our online portal, please check your email’s junk inbox to check for responses that may happen to go there.

For all inquires about Revocable Permits for Use of Public Space, please note that these permits are not facilitated through the online eTrakit Portal. Contact the permitting office through the email address or phone number listed above for more information about that process.

The City of Greeley is committed to providing digital services that are accessible to the widest possible audience, regardless of technology or ability. We are actively working to increase the accessibility and usability of our content and in doing so adhere to many of the available standards and guidelines. Our goal is to deliver a web experience that achieves "Level AA" conformance according to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.1 (WCAG 2.1). If you encounter any accessibility barriers or have suggestions for improvement, please contact us at: COG.Permits@greeleygov.com or (970) 350-9881. You can also contact our team for a table view of the mapped data on this site or to work with a member of our team to access the information.